Promises overview
Docker engine promises api
Added in v1.0.0
Table of contents
Create a promise client for the docker engine
export declare const promiseClient: <E>(
layer: Layer.Layer<
E | Layer.Layer.Error<DockerEngine.DockerLayer>,
) => Promise<{
pull: (a: {
image: string
auth?: string | undefined
platform?: string | undefined
}) => ReadableStream<MobySchemas.JSONMessage>
build: <E1>(a: {
tag: string
auth?: string | undefined
platform?: string | undefined
dockerfile?: string | undefined
context: Stream.Stream<Uint8Array, E1, never>
buildArgs?: Record<string, string | undefined> | undefined
}) => ReadableStream<MobySchemas.JSONMessage>
stop: (containerId: string) => Promise<void>
start: (containerId: string) => Promise<void>
run: (containerOptions: {
readonly name?: string | undefined
readonly platform?: string | undefined
readonly spec: {
readonly Image: string
readonly Hostname?: string | null | undefined
readonly Domainname?: string | null | undefined
readonly User?: string | null | undefined
readonly AttachStdin?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly AttachStdout?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly AttachStderr?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly ExposedPorts?:
| {
readonly [x: `${number}`]: object
readonly [x: `${number}/tcp`]: object
readonly [x: `${number}/udp`]: object
| null
| undefined
readonly Tty?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly OpenStdin?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly StdinOnce?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly Env?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly Cmd?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly Healthcheck?:
| {
readonly Test?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly Interval?: number | undefined
readonly Timeout?: number | undefined
readonly StartPeriod?: number | undefined
readonly StartInterval?: number | undefined
readonly Retries?: number | undefined
| null
| undefined
readonly ArgsEscaped?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly Volumes?: { readonly [x: string]: object } | null | undefined
readonly WorkingDir?: string | null | undefined
readonly Entrypoint?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly NetworkDisabled?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly MacAddress?: string | null | undefined
readonly OnBuild?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly Labels?: { readonly [x: string]: string } | null | undefined
readonly StopSignal?: string | null | undefined
readonly StopTimeout?: number | null | undefined
readonly Shell?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly HostConfig?:
| {
readonly Binds?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly ContainerIDFile?: string | null | undefined
readonly LogConfig?:
| { readonly Type: string; readonly Config: { readonly [x: string]: string } | null }
| null
| undefined
readonly NetworkMode?: "none" | "default" | "host" | "bridge" | "nat" | null | undefined
readonly PortBindings?:
| {
readonly [x: `${number}`]: readonly {
readonly HostPort: string
readonly HostIp?: string | null | undefined
readonly [x: `${number}/tcp`]: readonly {
readonly HostPort: string
readonly HostIp?: string | null | undefined
readonly [x: `${number}/udp`]: readonly {
readonly HostPort: string
readonly HostIp?: string | null | undefined
| null
| undefined
readonly RestartPolicy?:
| { readonly MaximumRetryCount: number; readonly Name: "no" | "always" | "unless-stopped" | "on-failure" }
| null
| undefined
readonly AutoRemove?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly VolumeDriver?: string | null | undefined
readonly VolumesFrom?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly ConsoleSize?: readonly number[] | null | undefined
readonly Annotations?: { readonly [x: string]: string } | null | undefined
readonly CapAdd?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly CapDrop?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly CgroupnsMode?: "" | "host" | "private" | null | undefined
readonly Dns?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly DnsOptions?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly DnsSearch?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly ExtraHosts?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly GroupAdd?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly IpcMode?: "none" | "host" | "private" | "container" | "shareable" | null | undefined
readonly Cgroup?: string | null | undefined
readonly Links?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly OomScoreAdj?: number | null | undefined
readonly PidMode?: string | null | undefined
readonly Privileged?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly PublishAllPorts?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly ReadonlyRootfs?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly SecurityOpt?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly StorageOpt?: { readonly [x: string]: string } | null | undefined
readonly Tmpfs?: { readonly [x: string]: string } | null | undefined
readonly UTSMode?: string | null | undefined
readonly UsernsMode?: string | null | undefined
readonly ShmSize?: number | null | undefined
readonly Sysctls?: { readonly [x: string]: string } | null | undefined
readonly Runtime?: string | null | undefined
readonly Isolation?: "" | "default" | "process" | "hyperv" | null | undefined
readonly CpuShares?: number | null | undefined
readonly Memory?: number | null | undefined
readonly NanoCpus?: number | null | undefined
readonly CgroupParent?: string | null | undefined
readonly BlkioWeight?: number | null | undefined
readonly BlkioWeightDevice?:
| readonly ({ readonly Path: string; readonly Weight: number } | null)[]
| null
| undefined
readonly BlkioDeviceReadBps?:
| readonly ({ readonly Path: string; readonly Rate: number } | null)[]
| null
| undefined
readonly BlkioDeviceWriteBps?:
| readonly ({ readonly Path: string; readonly Rate: number } | null)[]
| null
| undefined
readonly BlkioDeviceReadIOps?:
| readonly ({ readonly Path: string; readonly Rate: number } | null)[]
| null
| undefined
readonly BlkioDeviceWriteIOps?:
| readonly ({ readonly Path: string; readonly Rate: number } | null)[]
| null
| undefined
readonly CpuPeriod?: number | null | undefined
readonly CpuQuota?: number | null | undefined
readonly CpuRealtimePeriod?: number | null | undefined
readonly CpuRealtimeRuntime?: number | null | undefined
readonly CpusetCpus?: string | null | undefined
readonly CpusetMems?: string | null | undefined
readonly Devices?:
| readonly ({
readonly PathOnHost: string
readonly PathInContainer: string
readonly CgroupPermissions: string
} | null)[]
| null
| undefined
readonly DeviceCgroupRules?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly DeviceRequests?:
| readonly ({
readonly Driver: string
readonly Count: number
readonly DeviceIDs: readonly string[] | null
readonly Capabilities: readonly (readonly string[] | null)[] | null
readonly Options: { readonly [x: string]: string } | null
} | null)[]
| null
| undefined
readonly KernelMemory?: number | null | undefined
readonly KernelMemoryTCP?: number | null | undefined
readonly MemoryReservation?: number | null | undefined
readonly MemorySwap?: number | null | undefined
readonly MemorySwappiness?: number | null | undefined
readonly OomKillDisable?: boolean | null | undefined
readonly PidsLimit?: number | null | undefined
readonly Ulimits?:
| readonly ({ readonly Name: string; readonly Hard: number; readonly Soft: number } | null)[]
| null
| undefined
readonly CpuCount?: number | null | undefined
readonly CpuPercent?: number | null | undefined
readonly IOMaximumIOps?: number | null | undefined
readonly IOMaximumBandwidth?: number | null | undefined
readonly Mounts?:
| readonly ({
readonly Type?: "bind" | "volume" | "tmpfs" | "npipe" | "cluster" | undefined
readonly Source?: string | undefined
readonly Target?: string | undefined
readonly ReadOnly?: boolean | undefined
readonly Consistency?: "default" | "consistent" | "cached" | "delegated" | undefined
readonly BindOptions?:
| {
readonly Propagation?:
| "private"
| "rprivate"
| "rshared"
| "shared"
| "rslave"
| "slave"
| undefined
readonly NonRecursive?: boolean | undefined
readonly CreateMountpoint?: boolean | undefined
readonly ReadOnlyNonRecursive?: boolean | undefined
readonly ReadOnlyForceRecursive?: boolean | undefined
| null
| undefined
readonly VolumeOptions?:
| {
readonly Labels?: { readonly [x: string]: string } | null | undefined
readonly NoCopy?: boolean | undefined
readonly Subpath?: string | undefined
readonly DriverConfig?:
| {
readonly Name?: string | undefined
readonly Options?: { readonly [x: string]: string } | null | undefined
| null
| undefined
| null
| undefined
readonly TmpfsOptions?:
| {
readonly Options?: readonly (readonly string[] | null)[] | null | undefined
readonly SizeBytes?: number | undefined
readonly Mode?: number | undefined
| null
| undefined
readonly ClusterOptions?: {} | null | undefined
} | null)[]
| null
| undefined
readonly MaskedPaths?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly ReadonlyPaths?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
readonly Init?: boolean | null | undefined
| null
| undefined
readonly NetworkingConfig?:
| {
readonly EndpointsConfig: {
readonly [x: string]: {
readonly MacAddress: string
readonly Links: readonly string[] | null
readonly NetworkID: string
readonly EndpointID: string
readonly Gateway: string
readonly IPPrefixLen: number
readonly IPv6Gateway: string
readonly GlobalIPv6Address: string
readonly GlobalIPv6PrefixLen: number
readonly IPAMConfig: {
readonly IPv4Address?: string | undefined
readonly IPv6Address?: string | undefined
readonly LinkLocalIPs?: readonly string[] | null | undefined
} | null
readonly Aliases: readonly string[] | null
readonly DriverOpts: { readonly [x: string]: string } | null
readonly IPAddress: string
readonly DNSNames: readonly string[] | null
} | null
} | null
| null
| undefined
}) => Promise<MobySchemas.ContainerInspectResponse>
exec: (a_0: { containerId: string; command: Array<string> }) => Promise<string>
execNonBlocking: (a_0: { containerId: string; command: Array<string> }) => Promise<void>
ps: (
| {
readonly all?: boolean | undefined
readonly limit?: number | undefined
readonly size?: boolean | undefined
readonly filters?:
| {
ancestor?: string | undefined
before?: string | undefined
expose?: `${number}/${string}` | `${number}-${number}/${string}` | undefined
exited?: number | undefined
health?: "starting" | "healthy" | "unhealthy" | "none" | undefined
id?: string | undefined
isolation?: "default" | "process" | "hyperv" | undefined
"is-task"?: true | false | undefined
label?: Record<string, string> | undefined
name?: string | undefined
network?: string | undefined
publish?: `${number}/${string}` | `${number}-${number}/${string}` | undefined
since?: string | undefined
status?: "created" | "restarting" | "running" | "removing" | "paused" | "exited" | "dead" | undefined
volume?: string | undefined
| undefined
| undefined
) => Promise<readonly MobySchemas.ContainerListResponseItem[]>
push: (options: {
readonly name: string
readonly tag?: string
readonly "X-Registry-Auth": string
}) => ReadableStream<string>
images: (
| {
readonly all?: boolean
readonly filters?: string | undefined
readonly "shared-size"?: boolean | undefined
readonly digests?: boolean | undefined
| undefined
) => Promise<readonly MobySchemas.ImageSummary[]>
search: (options: {
readonly term: string
readonly limit?: number | undefined
readonly stars?: number | undefined
readonly "is-official"?: boolean | undefined
}) => Promise<readonly MobySchemas.RegistrySearchResponse[]>
version: () => Promise<Readonly<MobySchemas.SystemVersionResponse>>
info: () => Promise<Readonly<MobySchemas.SystemInfoResponse>>
ping: () => Promise<"OK">
pingHead: () => Promise<void>
packBuildContextIntoTarballStream: {
cwd: string,
entries?: Array<string> | undefined
): Stream.Stream<Uint8Array, PlatformError | ParseError, Path | FileSystem>
<E1 = never, R1 = never>(
entries: HashMap<
string | Uint8Array | readonly [contentSize: number, stream: Stream.Stream<Uint8Array, E1, R1>]
): Stream.Stream<Uint8Array, ParseError | E1, R1>
followProgressInConsole: (
evaluate: Function.LazyArg<ReadableStream<MobySchemas.JSONMessage>>,
onError: (error: unknown) => unknown
) => Promise<readonly MobySchemas.JSONMessage[]>
waitForProgressToComplete: (
evaluate: Function.LazyArg<ReadableStream<MobySchemas.JSONMessage>>,
onError: (error: unknown) => unknown
) => Promise<readonly MobySchemas.JSONMessage[]>
Added in v1.0.0