MobyConnection overview
Http, https, ssh, and unix socket connection agents for all platforms.
Added in v1.0.0
Table of contents
- Connection Constructors
- Connection Types
- HttpConnectionOptions (type alias)
- HttpConnectionOptionsTagged (type alias)
- HttpsConnectionOptions (type alias)
- HttpsConnectionOptionsTagged (type alias)
- MobyConnectionOptions
- MobyConnectionOptions (type alias)
- SocketConnectionOptions (type alias)
- SocketConnectionOptionsTagged (type alias)
- SshConnectionOptions (type alias)
- SshConnectionOptionsTagged (type alias)
- Constructors
Connection Constructors
export declare const HttpConnectionOptions: Data.Case.Constructor<
readonly _tag: "http"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly version?: string | undefined
import { HttpConnectionOptions } from "the-moby-effect/MobyConnection"
const connectionOptions = HttpConnectionOptions({
host: "",
port: 2375,
path: "/proxy-path"
Added in v1.0.0
export declare const HttpsConnectionOptions: Data.Case.Constructor<
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
import { HttpsConnectionOptions } from "the-moby-effect/MobyConnection"
const connectionOptions = HttpsConnectionOptions({
host: "",
port: 2375,
path: "/proxy-path"
// passphrase: "password",
// ca: fs.readFileSync("ca.pem"),
// key: fs.readFileSync("key.pem"),
// cert: fs.readFileSync("cert.pem"),
Added in v1.0.0
export declare const SocketConnectionOptions: Data.Case.Constructor<
{ readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string; readonly version?: string | undefined },
import { SocketConnectionOptions } from "the-moby-effect/MobyConnection"
const connectionOptions = SocketConnectionOptions({
socketPath: "/var/run/docker.sock"
Added in v1.0.0
Connects to a remote machine over ssh. This specific ssh implementation uses the OpenSSH extension “ForwardOutLocalStream” (so you must being running an OpenSSH server or something that implements the “ForwardOutLocalStream” extension) that opens a connection to a UNIX domain socket at socketPath on the server.
export declare const SshConnectionOptions: Data.Case.Constructor<
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?:
| ssh2.HostVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostVerifier
| ssh2.HostFingerprintVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: ssh2.BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: ssh2.Algorithms
readonly debug?: ssh2.DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: ssh2.AuthenticationType[] | ssh2.AuthHandlerMiddleware | ssh2.AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
import { SshConnectionOptions } from "the-moby-effect/MobyConnection"
const connectionOptions = SshConnectionOptions({
host: "",
port: 2222,
username: "user",
password: "password",
remoteSocketPath: "/var/run/docker.sock"
Added in v1.0.0
Connection Types
HttpConnectionOptions (type alias)
export type HttpConnectionOptions = Data.TaggedEnum.Args<MobyConnectionOptions, "http">
Added in v1.0.0
HttpConnectionOptionsTagged (type alias)
export type HttpConnectionOptionsTagged = Data.TaggedEnum.Value<MobyConnectionOptions, "http">
Added in v1.0.0
HttpsConnectionOptions (type alias)
export type HttpsConnectionOptions = Data.TaggedEnum.Args<MobyConnectionOptions, "https">
Added in v1.0.0
HttpsConnectionOptionsTagged (type alias)
export type HttpsConnectionOptionsTagged = Data.TaggedEnum.Value<MobyConnectionOptions, "https">
Added in v1.0.0
Connection options for how to connect to your moby/docker instance. Can be a unix socket on the current machine. Can be an ssh connection to a remote machine with a remote user, remote machine, remote port, and remote socket path. Can be an http connection to a remote machine with a host, port, and path. Or it can be an https connection to a remote machine with a host, port, path, cert, ca, key, and passphrase.
export declare const MobyConnectionOptions: {
readonly socket: Data.Case.Constructor<
{ readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string; readonly version?: string | undefined },
readonly ssh: Data.Case.Constructor<
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?:
| ssh2.HostVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostVerifier
| ssh2.HostFingerprintVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: ssh2.BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: ssh2.Algorithms
readonly debug?: ssh2.DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: ssh2.AuthenticationType[] | ssh2.AuthHandlerMiddleware | ssh2.AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
readonly http: Data.Case.Constructor<
readonly _tag: "http"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly https: Data.Case.Constructor<
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
readonly $is: <Tag>(
tag: Tag
) => (
u: unknown
) => u is Extract<
| { readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string; readonly version?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?:
| ssh2.HostVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostVerifier
| ssh2.HostFingerprintVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: ssh2.BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: ssh2.Algorithms
readonly debug?: ssh2.DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: ssh2.AuthenticationType[] | ssh2.AuthHandlerMiddleware | ssh2.AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
| {
readonly _tag: "http"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly version?: string | undefined
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
{ readonly _tag: Tag }
readonly $match: {
cases: Cases
): (
| { readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string; readonly version?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?:
| ssh2.HostVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostVerifier
| ssh2.HostFingerprintVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: ssh2.BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: ssh2.Algorithms
readonly debug?: ssh2.DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: ssh2.AuthenticationType[] | ssh2.AuthHandlerMiddleware | ssh2.AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
| {
readonly _tag: "http"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly version?: string | undefined
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
) => Unify<ReturnType<Cases["socket" | "ssh" | "http" | "https"]>>
| { readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string; readonly version?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?:
| ssh2.HostVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostVerifier
| ssh2.HostFingerprintVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: ssh2.BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: ssh2.Algorithms
readonly debug?: ssh2.DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: ssh2.AuthenticationType[] | ssh2.AuthHandlerMiddleware | ssh2.AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
| {
readonly _tag: "http"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly version?: string | undefined
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
cases: Cases
): Unify<ReturnType<Cases["socket" | "ssh" | "http" | "https"]>>
Added in v1.0.0
MobyConnectionOptions (type alias)
Connection options for how to connect to your moby/docker instance. Can be a unix socket on the current machine. Can be an ssh connection to a remote machine with a remote user, remote machine, remote port, and remote socket path. Can be an http connection to a remote machine with a host, port, and path. Or it can be an https connection to a remote machine with a host, port, path, cert, ca, key, and passphrase.
export type MobyConnectionOptions = Data.TaggedEnum<{
socket: { readonly socketPath: string; readonly version?: string | undefined }
ssh: {
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly version?: string | undefined
} & Exclude<ssh2.ConnectConfig, "host">
http: {
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly version?: string | undefined
https: {
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
Added in v1.0.0
SocketConnectionOptions (type alias)
export type SocketConnectionOptions = Data.TaggedEnum.Args<MobyConnectionOptions, "socket">
Added in v1.0.0
SocketConnectionOptionsTagged (type alias)
export type SocketConnectionOptionsTagged = Data.TaggedEnum.Value<MobyConnectionOptions, "socket">
Added in v1.0.0
SshConnectionOptions (type alias)
export type SshConnectionOptions = Data.TaggedEnum.Args<MobyConnectionOptions, "ssh">
Added in v1.0.0
SshConnectionOptionsTagged (type alias)
export type SshConnectionOptionsTagged = Data.TaggedEnum.Value<MobyConnectionOptions, "ssh">
Added in v1.0.0
Creates a MobyApi layer from the DOCKER_HOST environment variable as a url.
export declare const connectionOptionsFromDockerHostEnvironmentVariable: Effect.Effect<
| { readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string; readonly version?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?:
| ssh2.HostVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostVerifier
| ssh2.HostFingerprintVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: ssh2.BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: ssh2.Algorithms
readonly debug?: ssh2.DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: ssh2.AuthenticationType[] | ssh2.AuthHandlerMiddleware | ssh2.AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
| {
readonly _tag: "http"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly version?: string | undefined
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
Added in v1.0.0
Creates a MobyApi layer from the platform default system socket location.
export declare const connectionOptionsFromPlatformSystemSocketDefault: Effect.Effect<
| { readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string; readonly version?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?:
| ssh2.HostVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostVerifier
| ssh2.HostFingerprintVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: ssh2.BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: ssh2.Algorithms
readonly debug?: ssh2.DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: ssh2.AuthenticationType[] | ssh2.AuthHandlerMiddleware | ssh2.AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
| {
readonly _tag: "http"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly version?: string | undefined
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
Added in v1.0.0
“The Docker client will honor the DOCKER_HOST environment variable to set the -H flag for the client”
And then from
“-H accepts host and port assignment in the following format: tcp://[host]:[port][path]
or unix://path
For example:
-> Unix socket located at path/to/socket- When -H is empty, it will default to the same value as when no -H was passed in
-> HTTP connection on host:port and prepend path to all requestshttps://host:port/path
-> HTTPS connection on host:port and prepend path to all requestsssh://
-> SSH connection to on port 22
export declare const connectionOptionsFromUrl: (
dockerHost: string
) => Effect.Effect<MobyConnectionOptions, ConfigError.ConfigError, never>
Added in v1.0.0
Creates a MobyApi layer from the platform default system socket location.
export declare const connectionOptionsFromUserSocketDefault: Effect.Effect<
| { readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string; readonly version?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?:
| ssh2.HostVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostVerifier
| ssh2.HostFingerprintVerifier
| ssh2.SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: ssh2.BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: ssh2.Algorithms
readonly debug?: ssh2.DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: ssh2.AuthenticationType[] | ssh2.AuthHandlerMiddleware | ssh2.AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
| {
readonly _tag: "http"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly version?: string | undefined
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly version?: string | undefined
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
Added in v1.0.0