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Multiplexed overview

Demux utilities for multiplexed sockets. You can receive data (both stdout and stderr) distinctly and send data (stdin) all over the same socket.

Added in v1.0.0

Table of contents



Demux a multiplexed socket. When given a multiplexed socket, we must parse the chunks by headers and then forward each chunk based on its datatype to the correct sink.

When partitioning the stream into stdout and stderr, the first sink may advance by up to bufferSize elements further than the slower one. The default bufferSize is 16.


export declare const demuxMultiplexedSocket: {
  <A1, E1, E2, R1, R2>(
    socket: MultiplexedStreamSocket,
    source: Stream.Stream<string | Uint8Array, E1, R1>,
    sink: Sink.Sink<A1, string, string, E2, R2>,
    options?: { encoding?: string | undefined } | undefined
  ): Effect.Effect<
    CompressedDemuxOutput<A1, never>,
    E1 | E2 | Socket.SocketError | ParseResult.ParseError,
    Exclude<R1, Scope.Scope> | Exclude<R2, Scope.Scope>
  <A1, E1, E2, R1, R2>(
    source: Stream.Stream<string | Uint8Array, E1, R1>,
    sink: Sink.Sink<A1, string, string, E2, R2>,
    options?: { encoding?: string | undefined } | undefined
  ): (
    socket: MultiplexedStreamSocket
  ) => Effect.Effect<
    CompressedDemuxOutput<A1, never>,
    E1 | E2 | Socket.SocketError | ParseResult.ParseError,
    Exclude<R1, Scope.Scope> | Exclude<R2, Scope.Scope>
  <A1, A2, E1, E2, E3, R1, R2, R3>(
    socket: MultiplexedStreamSocket,
    source: Stream.Stream<string | Uint8Array, E1, R1>,
    sink1: Sink.Sink<A1, string, string, E2, R2>,
    sink2: Sink.Sink<A2, string, string, E3, R3>,
    options?: { bufferSize?: number | undefined; encoding?: string | undefined } | undefined
  ): Effect.Effect<
    CompressedDemuxOutput<A1, A2>,
    E1 | E2 | E3 | Socket.SocketError | ParseResult.ParseError,
    Exclude<R1, Scope.Scope> | Exclude<R2, Scope.Scope> | Exclude<R3, Scope.Scope>
  <A1, A2, E1, E2, E3, R1, R2, R3>(
    source: Stream.Stream<string | Uint8Array, E1, R1>,
    sink1: Sink.Sink<A1, string, string, E2, R2>,
    sink2: Sink.Sink<A2, string, string, E3, R3>,
    options?: { bufferSize?: number | undefined; encoding?: string | undefined } | undefined
  ): (
    socket: MultiplexedStreamSocket
  ) => Effect.Effect<
    CompressedDemuxOutput<A1, A2>,
    E1 | E2 | E3 | Socket.SocketError | ParseResult.ParseError,
    Exclude<R1, Scope.Scope> | Exclude<R2, Scope.Scope> | Exclude<R3, Scope.Scope>

Added in v1.0.0




export declare const isMultiplexedStreamSocket: (u: unknown) => u is MultiplexedStreamSocket

Added in v1.0.0


MultiplexedStreamSocket (type alias)

When the TTY setting is disabled in POST /containers/create, the HTTP Content-Type header is set to application/vnd.docker.multiplexed-stream and the stream over the hijacked connected is multiplexed to separate out stdout and stderr. The stream consists of a series of frames, each containing a header and a payload.


export type MultiplexedStreamSocket = Socket.Socket & {
  readonly "content-type": typeof MultiplexedStreamSocketContentType
  readonly [MultiplexedStreamSocketTypeId]: MultiplexedStreamSocketTypeId

Added in v1.0.0