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Stdio overview

Demux utilities for stdin, stdout/console.log, and stderr/console.error

Added in v1.0.0

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Demux either a raw stream socket or a multiplexed stream socket from stdin to stdout and stderr. If given a raw stream socket, then stdout and stderr will be combined on the same sink. If given a multiplexed stream socket, then stdout and stderr will be forwarded to different sinks. If given multiple raw stream sockets, then you can provide different individual sockets for stdin, stdout, and stderr.

If you are looking for a way to demux to the console instead of stdin, stdout, and stderr then see {@link demuxSocketWithInputToConsole}. Since we are interacting with stdin, stdout, and stderr this function dynamically imports the @effect/platform-node package.


export declare const demuxSocketFromStdinToStdoutAndStderr: (
  sockets: Demux.AnySocketOptions,
  options?: { bufferSize?: number | undefined; encoding?: string | undefined } | undefined
) => Effect.Effect<void, StdinError | StdoutError | StderrError | Socket.SocketError | ParseResult.ParseError, never>

Added in v1.0.0


Demux either a raw stream socket or a multiplexed stream socket to the console. If given a raw stream socket, then stdout and stderr will be combined on the same sink. If given a multiplexed stream socket, then stdout and stderr will be forwarded to different sinks. If given multiple raw stream sockets, then you can provide different individual sockets for stdin, stdout, and stderr.

If you are looking for a way to demux to stdin, stdout, and stderr instead of the console then see {@link demuxSocketFromStdinToStdoutAndStderr}.


export declare const demuxSocketWithInputToConsole: <E1, R1>(
  sockets: Demux.AnySocketOptions,
  input: Stream.Stream<string | Uint8Array, E1, R1>,
  options?: { bufferSize?: number | undefined; encoding?: string | undefined } | undefined
) => Effect.Effect<void, E1 | Socket.SocketError | ParseResult.ParseError, Exclude<R1, Scope.Scope>>

Added in v1.0.0


StderrError (class)


export declare class StderrError

Added in v1.0.0

StdinError (class)


export declare class StdinError

Added in v1.0.0

StdoutError (class)


export declare class StdoutError

Added in v1.0.0