Dind overview
Docker in docker engine
Added in v1.0.0
Table of contents
Spawns a docker in docker container on the remote host provided by another layer and exposes the dind container as a layer. This dind engine was built to power the unit tests.
export declare const makeDindLayerFromPlatformConstructor: <
PlatformLayerConstructor extends (
connectionOptions: any
) => Layer.Layer<Layer.Layer.Success<DockerEngine.DockerLayer>, unknown, unknown>,
SupportedConnectionOptions extends MobyConnectionOptions = PlatformLayerConstructor extends (
connectionOptions: infer C
) => Layer.Layer<Layer.Layer.Success<DockerEngine.DockerLayer>, infer _E, infer _R>
? C
: never
platformLayerConstructor: PlatformLayerConstructor
) => MakeDindLayerFromPlatformConstructor<PlatformLayerConstructor>
Added in v1.0.0
MakeDindLayerFromPlatformConstructor (type alias)
export type MakeDindLayerFromPlatformConstructor<
PlatformLayerConstructor extends (
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
connectionOptions: any
) => Layer.Layer<Layer.Layer.Success<DockerEngine.DockerLayer>, unknown, unknown>,
SupportedConnectionOptions extends MobyConnectionOptions = PlatformLayerConstructor extends (
connectionOptions: infer C
) => Layer.Layer<Layer.Layer.Success<DockerEngine.DockerLayer>, infer _E, infer _R>
? C
: never,
PlatformLayerConstructorError = ReturnType<PlatformLayerConstructor> extends Layer.Layer<
infer E,
infer _R
? E
: never,
PlatformLayerConstructorContext = ReturnType<PlatformLayerConstructor> extends Layer.Layer<
infer _E,
infer R
? R
: never
> = <
ConnectionOptionsToHost extends SupportedConnectionOptions,
ConnectionOptionsToDind extends SupportedConnectionOptions["_tag"]
>(options: {
exposeDindContainerBy: ConnectionOptionsToDind
connectionOptionsToHost: ConnectionOptionsToHost
dindBaseImage: RecommendedDindBaseImages
}) => Layer.Layer<
| ImagesError
| SystemsError
| VolumesError
| ParseResult.ParseError
| ContainersError
| PlatformLayerConstructorError
| (ConnectionOptionsToDind extends "socket" ? PlatformError.PlatformError : never),
| PlatformLayerConstructorContext
| (ConnectionOptionsToDind extends "socket" ? Path.Path | FileSystem.FileSystem : never)
Added in v1.0.0
export declare const layerAgnostic: MakeDindLayerFromPlatformConstructor<
connectionOptions: HttpConnectionOptionsTagged | HttpsConnectionOptionsTagged
) => DockerEngine.DockerLayerWithoutHttpClientOrWebsocketConstructor,
| { readonly _tag: "http"; readonly host: string; readonly port: number; readonly path?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
HttpClient<HttpClientError, Scope.Scope> | WebSocketConstructor
Added in v1.0.0
export declare const layerBun: MakeDindLayerFromPlatformConstructor<
(connectionOptions: MobyConnectionOptions) => DockerEngine.DockerLayer,
| { readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string }
| {
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?: HostVerifier | SyncHostVerifier | HostFingerprintVerifier | SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: Algorithms
readonly debug?: DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: AuthenticationType[] | AuthHandlerMiddleware | AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
| { readonly _tag: "http"; readonly host: string; readonly port: number; readonly path?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
Added in v1.0.0
export declare const layerDeno: MakeDindLayerFromPlatformConstructor<
(connectionOptions: MobyConnectionOptions) => DockerEngine.DockerLayer,
| { readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string }
| {
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?: HostVerifier | SyncHostVerifier | HostFingerprintVerifier | SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: Algorithms
readonly debug?: DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: AuthenticationType[] | AuthHandlerMiddleware | AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
| { readonly _tag: "http"; readonly host: string; readonly port: number; readonly path?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
Added in v1.0.0
export declare const layerNodeJS: MakeDindLayerFromPlatformConstructor<
(connectionOptions: MobyConnectionOptions) => DockerEngine.DockerLayer,
| { readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string }
| {
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?: HostVerifier | SyncHostVerifier | HostFingerprintVerifier | SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: Algorithms
readonly debug?: DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: AuthenticationType[] | AuthHandlerMiddleware | AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
| { readonly _tag: "http"; readonly host: string; readonly port: number; readonly path?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
Added in v1.0.0
export declare const layerUndici: MakeDindLayerFromPlatformConstructor<
(connectionOptions: MobyConnectionOptions) => DockerEngine.DockerLayer,
| { readonly _tag: "socket"; readonly socketPath: string }
| {
readonly _tag: "ssh"
readonly remoteSocketPath: string
readonly host: string
readonly port?: number
readonly forceIPv4?: boolean
readonly forceIPv6?: boolean
readonly hostHash?: string
readonly hostVerifier?: HostVerifier | SyncHostVerifier | HostFingerprintVerifier | SyncHostFingerprintVerifier
readonly username?: string
readonly password?: string
readonly agent?: BaseAgent | string
readonly privateKey?: Buffer | string
readonly passphrase?: Buffer | string
readonly localHostname?: string
readonly localUsername?: string
readonly tryKeyboard?: boolean
readonly keepaliveInterval?: number
readonly keepaliveCountMax?: number
readonly readyTimeout?: number
readonly strictVendor?: boolean
readonly sock?: Readable
readonly agentForward?: boolean
readonly algorithms?: Algorithms
readonly debug?: DebugFunction
readonly authHandler?: AuthenticationType[] | AuthHandlerMiddleware | AuthMethod[]
readonly localAddress?: string
readonly localPort?: number
readonly timeout?: number
readonly ident?: Buffer | string
| { readonly _tag: "http"; readonly host: string; readonly port: number; readonly path?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
Added in v1.0.0
export declare const layerWeb: MakeDindLayerFromPlatformConstructor<
(connectionOptions: HttpConnectionOptionsTagged | HttpsConnectionOptionsTagged) => DockerEngine.DockerLayer,
| { readonly _tag: "http"; readonly host: string; readonly port: number; readonly path?: string | undefined }
| {
readonly _tag: "https"
readonly host: string
readonly port: number
readonly path?: string | undefined
readonly cert?: string | undefined
readonly ca?: string | undefined
readonly key?: string | undefined
readonly passphrase?: string | undefined
Added in v1.0.0